Bareilly (Uttar Pradesh) : Eight people have been booked for allegedly making an inflammatory post and spreading it on social media in Bareilly district of Uttar Pradesh, police said on Monday. Superintendent of Police (Rural) Raj Kumar Agarwal said a video clipping of Muharram, along with objectionable remarks, was posted on 'X', formerly known as Twitter, by a person identified as Nazim Raza.
After the post appeared on the micro blogging site, it was made viral by seven others with the intention to trigger communal disturbance, the police said. Action was taken against them as their act amounted to an attempt to disturb public order. The officials were probing whether some more persons were involved in the spreading of this inflammatory post.
A case was registered at the Hafiaganj police station against the accused persons. They have been identified as Nazim Raza alias Saddam, Owaisi, Sohil, Mustafa, Arman, Tahir Hussain and two persons named Salman. Rural SP Agarwal said that efforts were going on to arrest the accused persons in the current case, according to a PTI report.
The authorities took a serious view of the matter considering the preparations for the 77th Independence Day celebrations across the country. The officials warned of serious action against anybody found guilty of such inflammatory acts.