Bareilly: In a tragic incident, a pack of ferocious dogs mauled a 5-year-old boy to death in Bareilly district of Uttar Pradesh on Tuesday evening, sources said. It is learnt that the incident took place in Shergarh police station area in Bareilly district. An official said that the boy, Daksh, 5 year old, son of Chhed Lal was playing outside the house while his mother Saroj had gone to her fields for some work.
Also read: Shepherd mauled to death by tiger in Rajasthan; villagers staged protest
As the boy went towards the fields in search of his mother Saroj, a pack of stray dogs attacked the boy and mauled him severely. With no one around in the surrounding area, the boy could not be saved as he raised an alarm with his screams. Sources said that the time, the villagers reached to the spot, the boy had been severely mauled by the dogs.
The family immediately shifted the boy to the nearby private hospital where he was declared dead, an official said. The incident has caused a wave of shock and grief in the area. Pertinently, in another incident of animal attack, an elderly man was mauled to to death by a monkey when he was going to the toilet at Arakere village in Davangere district of Karnataka.
Officials said that the 66-year-old Gutyappa Bin Rangappa was bit in the hand by a monkey leaving him in a pool of blood. He died at the hospital where he was shifted by the family members. The monkey was later caught by the Forest Department officials giving a sigh of relief to the locals.