Medak (Telangana): In a tragic incident, at least three women drowned in a pond in Telangana's Medak district, the police said on Monday. The three deceased have been identified as Lavanya, Lakshmi and Balamani. According to the police, relatives from Rangayapalli village of Manoharabad mandal visited Chandraiah-Lakshmi's house to take part in the Bonalu festival.
The family celebrated the festival on Sunday. Meanwhile, on Monday morning, four people, including a child, went to the village pond to wash their clothes. While Chandraiah's daughter Lavanya was playing with her cousin Charan, the two fell into the pond. Lakshmi and Balamani, who were present on the spot, panicked and jumped into the pond to save them.
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The locals, who witnessed the incident, immediately jumped into the pond to rescue them, but to no avail. Lakshmi, Balamani and Lavanya met with a watery grave while the child Charan was still missing. On receiving the information, the police reached the spot and started a search operation for Charan, the police said. "A case has been registered and an investigation into the incident is underway," the police added.