Chennai: The Madras High Court on Wednesday directed that all executive heads of local bodies to file undertakings detailing that no manual scavenging would be permitted in areas which fall under their ambit while they assume office in their respective posts in the future.
The first bench comprising of Chief Justice Sanjib Banerjee and Justice P D Audikesavalu also directed that the state to submit its guidelines regarding the critical issues on manual scavenging when this PIL against engagement of manual scavengers is heard.
Taking exception, the Court observed that there cannot be any manual scavenging at all.
It will be the responsibility of all municipal bodies and Corporations across the State to ensure that there is no manual scavenging activity undertaken.
The Commissioners of the Corporations and the heads of the Municipalities will be personally held liable in case any manual scavenging activity is detected or any mishap occurs in course thereof, the bench said.
In order to safeguard the public interest, the Court advised that the State strive to deploy appropriate machines and to improve the sewer lines so much so that no manual scavenging is necessary.
The bench further noted that it will also be the responsibility of the heads of Corporations and Municipalities to ensure that no private person also indulges in any manual scavenging activity or engages any other in such regard, the Bench said while posting the petition for further hearing on November 10.