Villupuram: A 15-year-old girl was gang-raped by her cousin and his nine friends in Tamil Nadu's Villupuram. The incident was brought to police attention by the survivor's school authorities on Thursday. Police officials have, so far, arrested three accused and are on the lookout for the remaining seven.
A 15-year-old girl residing near Vikravandi in Villupuram is a student of Class X in a government high school. Her teachers observed the girl to be exhausted and upset for the past few days. Worried about it, the teacher asked the girl and she confided that her uncle's son Sasi was abusing her when she was alone at home. Additionally, she also said that the cousin's nine friends raped her.
Shocked to hear this, the teacher brought it to the notice of school authorities, who in turn reached out to the District Education Officer and then to the police. The child survivor has been taken to Mundiyambakkam Government Medical College Hospital for a medical test and a complaint was registered at Villupuram All Women Police station.
Based on this, police arrested the survivor's relative, Sasi, and his friends Manikandan and Vinayakamurthi. All three have been booked under the POCSO act. Police are on the lookout for the remaining accused while the investigation is underway.