In a historic first, Poonam Gupta, daughter of Assistant Commandant Raghuveer Gupta from Shivpuri district, Madhya Pradesh, is set to make history with her wedding at Rashtrapati Bhavan in New Delhi. This marks the first time an officer’s wedding will be hosted at this prestigious venue. Currently serving as an Assistant Commandant in the CRPF and posted as a PSO at Rashtrapati Bhavan, Poonam will marry CRPF Assistant Commandant Avnish Kumar, who is stationed in Jammu and Kashmir, on February 12. The ceremony will witness the presence of several dignitaries, making it a momentous occasion.
A grand ceremony at the Mother Teresa Crown Complex
According to Pramod Birathre (Sonu), a close associate of Poonam’s family, she hails from Shriram Colony, Shivpuri, where her father Raghuveer Gupta serves as an office superintendent at Navodaya Vidyalaya. Poonam’s dedication, professionalism, and conduct have impressed President Droupadi Murmu. Upon learning about her upcoming wedding, the President approved the ceremony to take place at the Mother Teresa Crown Complex within Rashtrapati Bhavan. A select group of guests has been invited, and necessary formalities are being completed to allow the entry of relatives and friends into the venue.
A brilliant student and a dedicated officer
Poonam Gupta, a graduate in Mathematics and a postgraduate in English Literature, she also completed B.Ed. from Jiwaji University, Gwalior. A former student of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Sheopur, Poonam secured the 81st rank in the UPSC CAPF Exam-2018, which earned her position as an Assistant Commandant in the CRPF.
Led the Republic Day Parade in 2024
Poonam’s leadership skills were on full display when she led the CRPF women’s contingent in the Republic Day Parade 2024. Her achievements have become a talk of the town across Madhya Pradesh. This wedding, in addition, marks her name in the history to be the first Indian citizen to get married at Rashtrapati Bhavan.
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