Bhilwara: With the voting day for Rajasthan assembly election clashing with the Devuthani Ekadashi, the Maha Mandleshwar Hansaram has written a letter to the Election Commission of India, the Prime Minister and the State Election Commission demanding change in the voting schedule. The Election Commission of India, which announced the election dates for the assembly election on Monday, scheduled the assembly election in Rajasthan on Nov 23 this year.
However, the election commission's polling schedule has left the Hindu devotees in the poll bound state in a tricky situation as the voting day clashes with the Devuthani Ekadashi. Sources said that Mahamandaleshwar Hansram Ji Maharaj of Hari Seva Udaasin Ashram has written a letter to the Election Commission of India, State Election Commission as well as to Prime Minister Narendra Modi demanding change in the date of voting.
Also read: SC directs Rajasthan EC to notify election program for civic polls
In an exclusive conversation with ETV Bharat, Mahamandaleshwar Hansram said that the date of voting in the assembly elections has been announced on 23rd November, which clashes with the great festival of Dev Uthani Gyaras (Ekadashi). The Hindu seer said that deities are worshiped in every village and city on the festival which will be interrupted if the Election Commission goes ahead with the voting day schedule.
Mahamandaleshwar Hansram said that he has written to the Election Commission of India and Rajasthan Election Commission besides Prime Minister Narendra Modi, demanding that the date of voting be changed to enable the devotees to carry on the worship without any interruption. “If the date of voting is not changed, then you could be deprived of the right to vote (due to worship),” he said.