Kota: A student preparing for Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) fell from the fifth floor of his hostel building in the Vigyan Nagar area of the city on Sunday morning. For now, it's not clear whether it's a suicide attempt or it's an accident. The student has been admitted to a private hospital in critical condition and his family members in Maharashtra have been informed about the incident.
Vigyan Nagar police station officer Devesh Bhardwaj said that a 17-year-old student was reported to have fallen from the fifth floor of the hostel. The student is in a state of complete unconsciousness and has been admitted to the hospital in critical condition. At present, the statement of the student could not be taken regarding the incident. The incident took place on Sunday at 5 am. CCTV cameras are being examined and an investigation is on."
Information has been given to the father of the student, a resident of Chikhali in the Buldhana district of Maharashtra. According to the information, the student was preparing for the engineering entrance exam by staying in Kota for the last two years. It is to be noted that JEE's Main exam is on January 31. So, it is suspected that the student might have attempted suicide following the peer pressure of the highly competitive exam.
The student has fallen from a height of about 50 feet and it was recorded on a CCTV camera. The student has suffered critical injuries, there are more than four dozen fractures on his body, including the hands, legs, spinal cord, ribs, chest, mouth and waist. Apart from this, the bones of his shoulders, wrists and feet are having multiple fractures.