Amritsar (Punjab): The Border Security Force (BSF) and Punjab Police in a joint operation have recovered a huge consignment of narcotics dropped by Pakistani drones from the Amritsar district in Punjab in the wee hours of Saturday, officials said. At around 2.50 AM, a joint ambush party of the BSF and the Punjab Police heard a buzzing sound of drones and the dropping of a consignment at the outskirts of the Rai village in Amritsar district, they said.
According to the officials, the security team started searching the area. "Following this, the troops recovered five packets of suspected narcotics from a farming field in the Rai village. An iron ring was also found attached to the consignment," they said, adding that the gross weight of the recovered consignment of suspected narcotics was approximately 5.5 kg.
Also read: BSF shot down Pakistani drone carrying narcotics near International border in Punjab
The Border Security Force officials further said that another "nefarious attempt of Pakistan to smuggle contraband" was foiled due to joint efforts and timely action by the BSF and the Punjab Police.
On May 23 this year, the BSF troops shot down a Pakistani drone, which was carrying narcotics along the international border in the Amritsar district of Punjab. Ajay Kumar Mishra, BSF Commandant, Amritsar had said that the troops of 144 Corps of BSF conducted an operation in the BOP Rajatal area in which a drone was shot down and two packets suspected to be of heroin were seized.
Also read: Drugs caught off Kerala coast worth more than cumulative narcotics seizure value under UPA: Shah