Chandigarh: The Bhagwant Mann-led Punjab government on Thursday told the Punjab and Haryana High Court that it will restore the security cover to all 424 people from June 7 which was withdrawn temporarily for the Amritsar Ghalughara event. The Punjab and Haryana High Court had issued this order while hearing a petition filed by Congress leader and former Deputy Chief Minister Om Parkash Soni, who had challenged the state government's decision to withdraw the "Z" category security provided to him.
In its last hearing, HC had asked the government for a detailed report on the number of people whose security was taken and also furnish the reason for the same. Advocate Madhu Dayal, counsel to OP Soni said, "Punjab government said the security was withdrawn on a temporary basis for the Amritsar Ghalughara event and it would be reinstated by June 7. The state government will mark the responsibility of the person who circulated the list which had the names of people whose security was withdrawn."
In a major decision, the Punjab government, on May 28, withdrew the security cover provided to 424 people in the state. It included Shubhdeep Singh Sidhu, known as Sidhu Moosewala, who was shot dead on Sunday by unidentified assailants in Punjab's Mansa district, a day after his security cover was withdrawn. "Punjab government presented their report on the number of people whose security was taken and reason for which their security was curtailed in a sealed envelope.
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They didn't have the central government's reports on this and have asked for more time," added Advocate Madhu Dayal. Amid outrage over the killing of Punjabi singer and Congress leader Sidhu Moose Wala, the Punjab High Court on Monday issued a notice to the state government seeking a detailed report on the number of people whose security was reduced or withdrawn and the reason for the move.
Canada-based gangster Goldy Brar reportedly claimed responsibility for the murder of Punjabi singer and Congress leader Sidhu Moose Wala in a Facebook post on Sunday evening. Goldy Brar is a close aide of gang leader Lawrence Bishnoi, who is also said to be involved in the singer's murder. Brar aka Satinder Singh is involved in multiple criminal cases.
A Faridpur court had earlier this month issued an open-ended non-bailable arrest warrant against Brar in connection with the killing of the district Youth Congress president, Gurlal Singh Pehalwan. (ANI)