Bhubaneswar: Even as the controversy surrounding the ban on actor Manoj Mishra continues to simmer, Odia producer Sanjay Nayak aka Tutu Nayak has again landed in trouble. Tutu Nayak allegedly slapped and abused a woman journalist, working with ETV Bharat while she was at a theatre in Odisha's Bhubaneswar to cover an event on Friday.
The incident took place at Sriya-Swati Talkies here around 12.50 pm. The journalist has lodged a complaint at Kharvel Nagar police station demanding action against him.
In her complaint, journalist Debasmita Rout said, "Film producer Tutu Nayak slapped me on the face without any reason and hurled abuses at me. It happened so suddenly that I dropped my mobile phone on the ground. As I was picking up the phone, he again hit me on the back. I don't know why he behaved like this."
Also read: Journalist beaten up in Maharashtra's Jalgaon district; opposition leaders condemn attack
Speaking to the media, Rout said that she felt humiliated as the producer went away smiling when he should have apologised to her for his behaviour. Based on the complaint, the police ordered an investigation and are examining the CCTV footage at the theatre.