Pune (Maharashtra): Almost 40 passengers on board the Bharat Gaurav train plying from Chennai to Pune on Tuesday night reported symptoms of food poisoning during their journey. Acting swiftly to the situation, the railway authorities ensured that all affected individuals were promptly admitted to a nearby hospital in Pune.
According to official sources, the affected passengers, upon reaching Pune railway station at midnight, were provided with necessary medical assistance. The doctors and the medical teams from Sassoon Hospital were also dispatched to the railway station to provide medical assistance to the passengers.
The Pune Railway Administration has launched an investigation into the incident to determine the cause of the food poisoning, officials added. Official sources also said that the condition of all the affected passengers is currently stable. Railway officials said that the food was given to the passengers through their private contractor and the food items were not supplied by the railway staff or the Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) staff.
Criticising the irresponsibility of the railway staff, people raised questions and also demanded an inquiry into the incident. Harsha Shah, President of Railway Passenger Group said, "Two IRCTC officers were on board the Bharat Gaurav train plying from Chennai to Pune. Passengers on this train complained of headaches and vomiting after eating the food."
Shah further said, "The staff should've checked the food being provided to the passengers. It is the responsibility of the railways' staff to provide a comfortable journey to its passengers." Shah has demanded a thorough inquiry into this incident.
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