Mumbai: Chief Minister Eknath Shinde on Sunday took a dig at the opposition parties, saying that they appear to have lost hope and are confused. Addressing a press conference at the Sahyadri guest house here on the eve of the Maharashtra legislature's monsoon session, Shinde said the opposition parties in the state are hardly seen anywhere and one has to look for them.
The monsoon session of the state legislature will begin on Monday. Opposition parties - the Shiv Sena (UBT), the Congress and the Nationalist Congress Party (Sharad Pawar group) - on Sunday boycotted the customary tea party hosted by the government. "One needs to look for the opposition in the state. The opposition parties appear to have lost hope...they are confused and bewildered. However, we will not underestimate the opposition irrespective of its strength," he said.
The state has received investments worth Rs 2.38 lakh crore in various sectors, the chief minister said, adding that the opposition also needs to appreciate the good work done by the government. Deputy Chief Ministers Devendra Fadnavis and Ajit Pawar were also present at the press conference. On behalf of the opposition bloc, Leader of Opposition in the Legislative Council Ambadas Danve has written a letter to the government listing out several issues. When asked about it, Fadnavis taunted saying, "Instead of writing a letter, the opposition parties have written a voluminous book to the government."
Also read: Maha Opposition skips govt's customary tea party ahead of state legislature's monsoon session