Mumbai: Mumbai BJP Youth Front staged a protest rally against Shiv Sena at Shiv Sena Bhavan. The BJP staged a strike, claiming that it (Sena) had made false and fabricated allegations about land acquisition for the construction of the Shri Ram temple in Ayodhya. The rally was organized under the leadership of BJP Youth Morcha Mumbai president Tejinder Singh Tiwana. However, the atmosphere turned tense as Shiv Sena MLA Sada Sarvankar entered the Sena Bhavan area with Shiv Sainiks.
Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut had criticized the BJP over the dispute of purchasing land in Ram Janmabhoomi. The BJP had said that the Shiv Sena has no right to speak on the issue of Ram Janmabhoomi.
Sanjay Raut had attacked BJP
A few days ago, a dispute arose over the purchase of land in Ram Janmabhoomi. This was revealed by Aam Aadmi Party MP Sanjay Singh. Talking about these issues, Shiv Sena leader and MP Sanjay Raut had targeted the BJP. RSS leaders should give an explanation in this regard, Raut had said.
BJP turned aggressive
Meanwhile, Sanjay Raut's statement was strongly criticized by the BJP. BJP leader Ashish Shelar had said that the Shiv Sena has no moral right to speak on the issue of Ram Janmabhoomi. Today, in the same background, an agitation was organized by BJP Yuva Morcha Mumbai at Shiv Sena Bhavan. At that time, a large crowd of Shiv Sainiks had gathered in front of Shiv Sena Bhavan.
Also read: Maharashtra: RTI petition reveals Guv Koshyari yet to appoint 12 lawmakers
We won't stand still; warns mayor
Mumbai Mayor Kishori Pednekar has given a warning to BJP that if they attack, Shivsena won't stand still.
"Taking a rally to Shiv Sena Bhavan, a place of worship for everyone, some "BJP boy" tried to show his strength. He has been beaten by 'Shiv Sainiks'. You will do anything and expect Shiv Sena workers to remain silent?", she said.