Shahdol (Madhya Pradesh): In a shocking incident, the body of a 55-year-old woman, Juni Bai Gond, was found with her eye, nose and ears missing at her residence in Patpariha Tola of Khamaria panchayat under Jaitpur police station area of Shahdol district on Sunday. The locals, who witnessed the gory incident immediately informed the police. On receiving the information, the police reached the spot and they found the body with its eyes, nose and ears missing. Shahdol Additional Superintendent of Police Mukesh Vaishya said, "The body of the woman was found in her residence. It has been shifted for post-mortem. Further investigation was going on."
Also read: Abducted girl found dead in a sack in Kerala
The murder of the woman left the local community in deep shock. The victim was identified as Juni and she used to live alone at her house. Mystery shrouded the murder of the woman. Locals are demanding justice and wondering who could be behind such a heinous act. However, the police are working to gather evidence and information to shed light on the baffling case. Until then, the victim's kith and locals are waiting for swift action and demanding justice for the deceased woman. Based on a complaint lodged by the victim's relatives, the police registered a case and took up the investigation.
In a similar incident in the Shahdol district of Madhya Pradesh, a 27-year-old youth, who came to his in-laws' house, was found dead. The body was found just a few steps away from his in-law's house a month ago.