Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh): CBI has registered a case on a complaint against a Barrack Store officer and a Store Keeper, both working in the office of Garrison Engineer (West), MES, Jabalpur on the allegations of demanding a bribe of Rs. 3,10,000/-. It was also alleged that the complainant was awarded a contract of furniture repairing and the work was completed.
The accused allegedly demanded the said bribe for passing the bills of the complainant. It was further alleged that the complainant told accused that he could arrange only Rs. 1,00,000/-, the accused asked him to give a cheque for the remaining amount so that they could encash the same. CBI laid a trap. The Barrack Store Officer accepted cash of Rs. 1,00,000/- from the complainant. The Store Keeper accepted the blank signed cheque and thereafter, entered the amount of Rs. 2,10,000/-. Both the accused were caught and the cash of Rs. 1,00,000/- was recovered from the Barrack Store Officer & the cheque was recovered from the Store Keeper.
Searches were conducted at the premises of both the accused at Jabalpur which led to the recovery of cash of Rs.1.55 lakh (approx) and other investment documents.
Both the arrested accused will be produced tomorrow before the Court of Special Judge, CBI Cases, Jabalpur.
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