Bhopal: As Congress seeks to oust the incumbent BJP government in Madhya Pradesh in the upcoming assembly elections, Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has claimed to return power in the state. In a special conversation with ETV Bharat on the sidelines of his election rally in Narela constituency, Chouhan talked about the high stakes MP assembly elections. Here are a few excerpts from the interview.
ETV Bharat (ETB): What motivates you for a marathon election campaigning amid a stiff attack from the opposition?
Shivraj Singh Chouhan (SSC): This energy is derived from the love and blessings of the people. We are getting support and love from everyone, but the response from dear sisters is amazing. As soon as the government is formed, the Lakhpati Behna campaign will start.
ETB: Will Shivraj Singh Chouhan be seen as CM in 2024?
SSC: Bharatiya Janata Party is forming the government (in Madhya Pradesh), we are winning(assembly elections).
ETB: If Shivraj Singh Chouhan is considered the guarantee of victory in MP, what was the reason Union Ministers and MPs were fielded?
SSC: MPs and Union Ministers have been entering the field earlier also. This is the party's strategy as to who will and who will not contest the elections.
ETB: Corruption is the biggest election issue in MP. Congress has made corruption the biggest election issue in MP.
SSC: Those who are talking about corruption are themselves involved in it. They only see corruption. After Ladli Brahmin campaign, Lakhpati Brahmin campaign, we will introduce other schemes for the welfare of women after coming to power in Madhya Pradesh.