Kannur (Kerala): A 61-year-old man named Akkattu Jose, from Naduvil in Kannur district of Kerala was arrested by the Police on Sunday for sexually assaulting a 12-year-old mentally challenged girl at Kudiyanmala, in Kannur.
In the medical examination, it was confirmed that the girl has undergone sexual assault. As per the complaint, the 12-year-old girl was sexually assaulted during the wee hours when the girl’s parents, who are rubber tapping labourers, went for work. The accused is said to have trespassed their house, overpowered the girl and assaulted her.
The girl was counselled and a detailed statement has been recorded. The girl’s family complained to the police on November 19 accusing Akkattu Jose, their neighbour, for sexually assaulting their 12-year-old girl. However, as no action was taken by the police even after a month. Then the family approached the Taliparamba Deputy Superintendent of Police (DySP) with the complaint. The arrest happened only after the child’s mother alleged that the police is favouring the culprit.