Bengaluru: Ahead of the upcoming New Year celebrations, the Bengaluru police have put in place tight security measures to prevent any untoward incident during the celebrations and ensure a safe and secure new year, said city police commissioner B Dayanand. Speaking to the media on the New Year's Eve, City Police Commissioner B Dayanand said, "There is no room for unauthorized liquor storage and sale. The operation has already been launched against Drink and Drive”.
The City Police Commissioner said that there will be a deadline of 1 am for New Year parties after which the bars and pubs should be closed. "Bandobust picketing points are being set up in crowded places. Bandobust Point, Safety Islands for the safety of women, have been set up at the Star Hotel. If the children go missing, the police kiosks have been built in the appropriate surveillance of the watch towers for the purpose," he added.
The City Police Commissioner said that all the police personnel in the city will be on duty on New Year's Eve as a precautionary measure to prevent any untoward incident. He said that the security personnel to be deployed on duty include two additional commissioners, one joint police commissioner, 15 DCPs, 45 ACP, 160 Inspectors, 600 PSIs, 600 ASIs, 1800 Head Constables and 5,200 Police Constables.
"More police personnel will be deployed in Brigade Road, MG Road, Indiranagar and Koramangala. More than 8,000 police personnel have already been deployed. Not only that, the Home Guard staff will also give the support to the police, the Bengaluru City Police Commissioner said. "Eagle eyes are placed by drone cameras in the main location. As a precautionary measure, people with criminal backgrounds, drug suppliers, are closely monitored," added City Police Commissioner B. Dayanand.
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