Bengaluru: Cottonpete Police are putting in more effort to nab those involved in the daylight murder of former corporator Rekha Kadiresh in Bengaluru. According to reports, police arrested Kadiresh's sister-in-law and her son for their involvement in her death. Police had earlier taken them in for questioning.
The police were investigating Kadiresh's husband’s older sister Mala, her son Arun on suspicions of their involvement in the corporator's murder. According to reports, the two individuals were involved in a financial dispute with the victim. The police, who were busy collecting evidence about the case, have now arrested Mala and her son.
Cottonpete police had already arrested 7 people in this case.
Also read: Former corporator murdered in Bengaluru
Former corporator Rekha Kadiresh was attacked by two assailants near Anjanappa Gardens in Bengaluru while she was distributing food kits to the poor. She suffered serious neck and head injuries and later died due to excessive bleeding.