Bengaluru: Amidst the ongoing political crisis in Karnataka, Assembly Speaker KR Ramesh Kumar submitted an affidavit in the Supreme Court, explaining that the disqualification hearing against MLAs Ramesh Jarkiholi and Mahesh Kumatalli has been completed and the verdict has been reserved.
The Speaker added that on July 10, the Congress party filed a complaint of disqualification against 8 MLAs.
Rebel MLAs Pratap Gowda Patil, BC Patil, Shivaram Hebbar, ST Somashekhar, Bhairati Basavaraju, Munirathna, Anand Singh and Roshan Beg were facing disqualification under the Anti Defection Act.
The affidavit stated that on July 11, rebel MLAs came to the Speaker's office at 6:15 pm and handed Kumar a formal resignation letter, and the entire process was filmed.
In the affidavit, the Speaker informed the Supreme Court that the resignation process of all rebel MLAs is being carried out in accordance with the law.