Bengaluru (Karnataka) : A tragic incident took place under the Varthur police station of the Bengaluru city. A 10 year old girl died after falling into the swimming pool while playing on Thursday evening. The girl was playing near the swimming pool of the apartment around 7.30 pm on Thursday.
At that time, she slipped and fell into the swimming pool. Some people noticed her and immediately rushed to save her. They took her out of the swimming pool. However, the girl became seriously ill. She was immediately taken to a private hospital where doctors declared her dead. The deceased's father, Rajesh, has complained about this incident at Varthur police station.
At present, a case has been registered at the Varthur police station and the police have started an investigation. Parents expressed suspicion about the death of the girl and requested for investigation, DCP Sivakumar said.
The scene of the girl going near the swimming pool before her death was captured in the CCTV camera. After 10 minutes of the tragedy, the residents of the apartment came to know about the matter. By 7.50 pm, the girl was rushed to the hospital by the residents of the apartment. All the scenes have been captured in the CCTV camera.
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