Karnataka: "We wanted to speak in the Assembly, but we hardly got a chance to speak. We also wanted to discuss the budget, but were not allowed to do so."JD (S) leader HD Kumaraswamy said while addressing the JD (S), BJP joint press briefing over the ruckus in the Karnataka Assembly that led to the suspension of BJP MLAs. Kumaraswamy also said that the budget, on which the CM spoke for around 3.5 hours, did not have anything to do with the well-being of the people in the state.
He quoted the CM as saying, “The opposition is envious of how our government has implemented the Grih-Lakshmi scheme. It is alright that you have implemented the Grih-Lakshmi scheme, but what have you done for the farmers in the state? Addressing the issue of suspension of BJP MLAs, Kumaraswamy said, "It is certainly impossible to discuss anything fruitful in the Assembly as we hardly get two to three minutes to speak."
Answering the question of whether JD (S) will join the NDA alliance, former CM of Karnataka HD Kumaraswamy said, "We will fight together against corruption and other issues in the state. The joint briefing was organised after Karnataka Speaker UT Khader ordered the suspension of 10 BJP MLAs from the Assembly session for disrespecting the Speaker's chair in the House."
BJP MLAs Ashwath Narayan, Sunil Kumar, Yashpal Suvarna, R Ashok, Umanath Kotyan, Aravinda Bellad, Bharat Shetty, Vedavyas Kamath, Dheeraj Muniraju and Araga Gyanendra were suspended. All 10 BJP MLAs can't take part in the Assembly discussions till the end of the session for tearing and throwing a copy of the bill on the Speaker's chair.