Belagavi (Karnataka): A candidate, who had lost by just one vote in the gram panchayat election a year and ten months ago, had approached the court for a recount only to lose it by one vote once again. The defeated candidate, Ravasaheb Patil, had approached the court for a recount of Hebbal panchayat election in Hukkeri taluk of Belagavi district in Karnataka.
Following an order by the court, the recount was held in the presence of a judge as well as Hukkeri's tehsildar Doddappa Hugara. The re-counting of votes was held in the JMPC court of Sankeswara. In the recount too, Ravasahev Patil got one vote less. As a result, Ravasaheb, who was expecting victory, is disappointed once again.
The actual panchayat election was held in 2020 and recounting on December 30, 2020. At that time, Ravasaheb Patil who got 505 votes and he was defeated by a margin of only one vote by his rival candidate named Tavanappa Hosur who got 506 votes. Then the defeated candidate alleged that the counting of votes was not correct and contested the same in the court of JMFC (Judicial Magistrate of First Class).
After the latest result in recount, the winning candidate Tavanappa Hosur celebrated his victory for a second time with his followers and other residents of his village.