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Gauri Lankesh case: MCC demands Pradeep Khemka's arrest

The Marxist Coordination Committee staged a protest at Randhir Verma Chowk in Dhanbad district to demand an arrest of industrialist Pradeep Khemka who according to MCC, is protecting Gauri Lankesh's killer Rajesh Devdikar in Katras and is also involved in the massacre.

Gauri Lankesh case
Gauri LankesGauri Lankesh caseh case
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Published : Jan 18, 2020, 7:37 PM IST

Updated : Jan 18, 2020, 9:02 PM IST

Dhanbad: The Marxist Coordination Committee staged a one-day sit-in at Randhir Verma Chowk in Dhanbad district to demand the arrest of industrialist Pradeep Khemka.

The protesting leaders said that industrialist Pradeep Khemka, who gave protection to Gauri Lankesh's killer Rajesh Devdikar in Katras, is also associated with the Hinduist Sanatan Sangathan. Therefore, he is also involved somewhere in the massacre.

MCC demands Pradeep Khemka's arrest

Central General Secretary of the Marxist Coordination Committee Haladhar Mahato said that police should immediately arrest Pradeep Khemka, who protected the assassins of journalists Gauri Lankesh, Narendra Dabholkar, Govind Panser and MM Kul Vergi.

Haladhar Mahato stated that the Chief Minister of Jharkhand Hemant Soren should talk to the Karnataka government and take legal action against Pradeep Khemka.

He also claimed that Rajesh Devdikar, the killer of Gauri Lankesh, had been hiding in Katras for the last 15 months.

He was working at a petrol pump in Katras. The owner of this petrol pump is Pradeep Khemka, whose arrest is being demanded, he added.

Also Read: SCO invitation to Pakistan not in bilateral capacity, says former envoy

Dhanbad: The Marxist Coordination Committee staged a one-day sit-in at Randhir Verma Chowk in Dhanbad district to demand the arrest of industrialist Pradeep Khemka.

The protesting leaders said that industrialist Pradeep Khemka, who gave protection to Gauri Lankesh's killer Rajesh Devdikar in Katras, is also associated with the Hinduist Sanatan Sangathan. Therefore, he is also involved somewhere in the massacre.

MCC demands Pradeep Khemka's arrest

Central General Secretary of the Marxist Coordination Committee Haladhar Mahato said that police should immediately arrest Pradeep Khemka, who protected the assassins of journalists Gauri Lankesh, Narendra Dabholkar, Govind Panser and MM Kul Vergi.

Haladhar Mahato stated that the Chief Minister of Jharkhand Hemant Soren should talk to the Karnataka government and take legal action against Pradeep Khemka.

He also claimed that Rajesh Devdikar, the killer of Gauri Lankesh, had been hiding in Katras for the last 15 months.

He was working at a petrol pump in Katras. The owner of this petrol pump is Pradeep Khemka, whose arrest is being demanded, he added.

Also Read: SCO invitation to Pakistan not in bilateral capacity, says former envoy

Intro:धनबाद।उद्योगपति प्रदीप खेमका की गिरफ्तारी की मांग को लेकर मार्क्सवादी समन्वय समिति ने जिले के रणधीर वर्मा चौक पर एक दिवसीय धरना दिया। धरना दे रहे हैं नेताओं ने कहा कि गौरी लंकेश के हत्यारे राजेश देवड़ी कर को कतरास में संरक्षण देने वाले उद्योगपति प्रदीप खेमका भी हिंदूवादी सनातन संगठन से जुड़े हैं। इसलिए इनकी भी कहीं न कहीं इस हत्याकांड से तार जुड़ा हुआ है।

Body:मार्क्सवादी समन्वय समिति के केंद्रीय महासचिव हलधर महतो ने कहा कि पत्रकार गौरी लंकेश, नरेंद्र दाभोलकर, गोविंद पंसेर और एमएम कुल वर्गी के हत्यारे राजेश देवड़ीकर को संरक्षण देने वाले प्रदीप खेमका को पुलिस अविलंब गिरफ्तार करें। गौरी लंकेश के हत्या में जिस हिंदूवादी सनातन संगठन का नाम आया था प्रदीप खेमका भी उसी संगठन से जुड़े हैं। उन्होंने कहा कि खेमका के तार भी कहीं न कहीं इस हत्याकांड से जुड़ा हुआ है। हलधर महतो ने कहा कि झारखंड के मुख्यमंत्री हेमंत सोरेन कर्नाटक सरकार से बात कर प्रदीप खेमका के ऊपर अभिलंब कानूनी कार्रवाई करें।

Conclusion:बता दें कि गौरी लंकेश का हत्यारा राजेश देवड़ीकर पिछले 15 महीनों से कतरास में छिपकर रह रहा था।वह कतरास के एक पेट्रोल पंप में नौकरी कर रहा था।इस पेट्रोल पंप का मालिक प्रदीप खेमका है।जिसकी गिरफ्तारी की मांग की जा रही है।
Last Updated : Jan 18, 2020, 9:02 PM IST
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