Kutch (Gujarat): 'Har Ghar Tiranga' campaign will be conducted across the country from August 13 to 15. The Veeranganas of Madhapar village of Bhuj taluka, who risked their lives to build a runway in one night, appealed to the entire country and the people of Kutch to proudly wave the national flag on their houses. In the 1971 war, Pakistani military planes damaged the airstrip by dropping bombs and these Veeranganas helped the Indian Airforce.
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Veeranganas Kanbai Shivji, Samu Khokhani, Samu Bhanderi and Ratan Hirani, who have reached their seventh decade of life, said that when the country needed us, we did the work of building an airport runway by risking our lives and bothering about our families and children. On just one call, many women left their homes and contributed to the protection of the country by building the Bhuj Airstrip overnight amidst the bombardment by Pakistan. Whatever the circumstances, the nation must come first. Prime Minister Narendra Modi called upon people to hoist the Tricolour flag at every house as part of 'Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav'.
Veeranganas will be at the forefront of this campaign. They also said that from August 13 to 15, they will unfurl the national flag, a symbol of the country's unity and pride, at their homes. Veeranganas urged the people of the country and Kutch to participate enthusiastically in the celebrations of the country's 'Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav', saying that it is the duty of every citizen to hoist the national flag of the country with due respect. "Our freedom fighters have made the nation free by accepting martyrdom for us. Then from August 13 to 15, let us remember the martyrs by hoisting the Tricolour flags and saluting them with dignity and respect."