Vadodara: A 14-year-old boy was rescued from the jaws of a crocodile by his friends. Sandeep Kamlesh Parmar and his friends went for a swim in a river at Gunbhakhari village in Sabarkantha, on Monday when a huge crocodile caught his right leg and sunk its teeth deep into the bones.
When the boy screamed for help, his friends rushed towards him and threw stones at the reptile. The crocodile then released his leg from its jaws and his friends brought him to the river bank and called an ambulance. Parmar was later admitted in the civil hospital at Khedbrambha town.
According to the hospital's superintendent, the victim's bones below the right knee were badly damaged.
"After providing medical help here, we sent him to the district civil hospital in Himatnagar for better treatment," he said.
Parmar's father, thanked his son's friends for coming to his rescue.
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