New Delhi: The NIA has filed a supplementary charge-sheet before the Special NIA Court in Patiala House, New Delhi, against accused Ashish Kumar, Javed and Arshad Ali alias Munshi, all residents of District Meerut of Uttar Pradesh, under the Unlawful Activities ( Prevention) Act and Section 25 of Arms Act, 1959, in connection with the killing of Hindu leader Amit Sharma, the President of Sri Hindu Takht, Ludhiana in the year 2017.
On 14 January 2017, two unknown motorcycle-borne assailants killed Amit Sharma as a part of an organised conspiracy hatched by terrorist outfit Khalistan Liberation Front (KLF). This murder was one among eight such cases of serial killings/attempted killings that took place in Punjab in 2016-2017 with a view to creating terror and communal disturbance.
Earlier, NIA had filed charge-sheet against 15 people in the case.
Also read: NIA files charge-sheet against doctor in ISKP case
The investigation has established that the accused persons Ashish Kumar, Javed and Arshad Ali had facilitated the other accused persons in the commission of the terrorist act i.e killing of Amit Sharma by supplying illegal firearms used in the crime. They had supplied illegal arms including .32 bore pistols which, along with other weapons/firearms, were used in target killing cases in Punjab.
Further investigation in the case is going on.