New Delhi: Day after the Supreme Court upheld the abrogation of Article 370, which gave a special status to the erstwhile Jammu and Kashmir state, former Chief Minister and National Conference President, Farooq Abdullah said that the BJP had “so much venom” against the first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru.
"I don't know why they (BJP) have so much venom against (Pandit Jawaharlal) Nehru. Nehru is not the one responsible. When this article (370) was brought, Sardar Patel was here, and Pandit Nehru was in America...,” Farooq Abdullah told a news gathering agency outside the Parliament during the ongoing Winter Session.
The NC President was referring to Union Home Minister Amit Shah's criticism of Independent India's first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru over his “mistakes” of announcing a ceasefire with Pakistan and taking the Kashmir issue to the United Nations. Union Home Minister Amit Shah while participating in a debate on the twin Jammu and Kashmir Amendment Bills in the Parliament that the first Prime Minister of independent India Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru's “mistakes” were responsible for the sufferings of the people of Jammu and Kashmir due to the Kashmir insurgency.
Shah said that Nehru had made mistakes by announcing a ceasefire with Pakistan and taking the Kashmir issue to the United Nations. Union Minister Amit Shah while participating in a discussion on the Jammu and Kashmir Reservation (Amendment) Bill, 2023, and the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation (Amendment) Bill, 2023 on Monday said that Jammu and Kashmir's accession to India was “delayed” by the former Prime minister.
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