New Delhi: The Congress on Saturday accused the BJP-led central government of earning Rs 2.5 lakh crore in the past 3 months, by burdening the common man with a continuous hike in petrol and diesel prices.
While addressing a press conference on Saturday, Sibal asserted that the international crude oil prices have fallen to the lowest in 15 years, yet petrol and diesel prices are sky-rocketing and common people continue to suffer under the PM Modi dispensation.
"The Modi Government is burdening the shoulders of the common man by continuously raising petrol and diesel prices. Central excuse duty on petrol has been increased by 258% and on diesel by 819% since the Modi government came to power in May 2014," he said.
He said instead of passing the benefit of lower crude prices to consumers, petrol and diesel prices were hiked for the seventh straight day on June 13.
The minister alleged that the government has earned as much as Rs 44,000 crore in last 6 days due to this move, while a total of Rs 2.5 lakh crore since March 5.
"PM is far away from the ground realities of the country. Government is making the people suffer at the time when the entire country is suffering from the COVID crisis. If the government had even the slightest feelings for the common man, instead of benefiting the company, PM would have helped the common man with reduced fuel prices," Sibal said.
While taking a jibe at the central government, the Congress leader stated, "A country runs on a 4 wheeler car which includes Parliament, Executive, Judiciary and Election Commission. PM Modi is the driver of this car. Neither he nor FM knows how to drive this car. So, it would be better if he consults to some other stakeholders."
Sibal also pointed out that India's Central Excise and VAT on fuel is highest in the world, which stands at 69%, while it is at 19% in US, 47% in Japan, 62% in UK, 63% in France and 65% in Germany.
He also targeted the Delhi Government over the mismatch in the COVID-19 data of the state with other institutions.
"Complete lockdown is not a solution. You can't put life vs livelihoods. But you can only access things in the state when you have correct data. While in Delhi, Municipal data is very much different from the Government's one. All that is happening is politics, no one is caring about people. All the policies are ad hoc," he said.
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