Darbhanga (Bihar): District Sub Divisional Officer Rakesh Kumar Gupta applauded the efforts of the girl who reached Shirhulli village here from Haryana's Gurugram, covering a distance of 1,300 km on a bicycle, taking her injured father back home.
The SDO visited the family of the 13-year-old girl on Tuesday and assured them that the expense of her education will be borne by him.
"I will ensure that the family will get all the facilities from the government-sponsored schemes. The girl has so much courage" said SDO.
Mohan Paswan, the father of Jyoti Kumari, was an auto driver and met with an accident in January. The family of the 45-year-old Paswan has been struggling as he is the sole bread-winner of the family.
After Prime Minister announced a nationwide lockdown amid coronavirus pandemic, the family with no income has been struggling to find even one meal a day.
The condition worsened after the landlord directed Paswan to vacate the house within two days. With Rs 500 left, he asked his daughter Jyoti to buy ration for the family.
Instead of purchasing ration, she bought a bicycle and brought her father to the village. Jyoti covered the distance of 1,300 km in just 8 days.
Also Read: 13-year-old girl pedals 1300 km on bicycle to take her father home in Bihar