Vaishali: The Bihar police on Friday recovered eight live bombs hidden in a fish container by a fruit seller near Hajipur police station in Bihar's Vaishali district. The bombs were kept hidden at a distance of 200 metres from the city police station, however, on receiving the information, the police nabbed the fruit seller and defused the bombs.
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Police received information that near Masjid Chowk, about 200 metres away from the city police station, the fruit seller has kept the live bombs hidden in the fish container, which was parked in the house. Following that, Subodh Kumar of City Police Station formed a team under the supervision of Sub-Inspector Pankaj Kumar and sent the team to conduct raids. As soon as the police team reached there, fruit seller Mohammad Masoom tried to flee, however, the police caught him. "Based on a tip-off, the police team was sent to Masjid Chowk for the raid. They recovered eight live bombs from the fish container. The fruit seller has been arrested. The investigation into the matter is on," said Subodh Kumar.