Kurnool: With Lok Sabha elections inching closer, several political leaders can be seen aggressively campaigning and promoting their political parties to ensure their victory. A lot of leaders often approach several local villages in their area right before the elections and promise them of a better future if they come to power.
To ensure these do not remain unfulfilled promises, an
In Udumulapadu village of Kurnool district, an organization named 'Graama Abhivridhi Swachanda Samstha (Village Development Voluntary Organisation)' are consistently working for the development of their village for the past two years.
Soon after the Election Commission declared the election dates, the members of the association printed several posters displaying the demands of the locals and pasted them all across the village. The posters were titled "Maa Graamaaniki Raavalasinavi – Kaavalasinavi" which means ''needs of our village''.
The issues of drinking water, water for irrigation, playground, an additional building for a government school, post office, veterinary hospital, drainage system, LED bulbs, community hall, bus stand were the basic issues that were highlighted in the posters.
''During the elections, several leaders from various political parties will visit our village. However, they will only be allowed to conduct rallies and other campaigning programs within our village if they ensure that our demands will be solved with immediate effect,'' said a local.