Mumbai: The much-anticipated web series Panchayat that hit the digital platform on April 3 garnered rave response from the viewers. The series featured Jitendra Kumar, Neena Gupta, Raghubir Yadav, Chandan Roy and others in pivotal roles. In an exclusive interview with ETV Bharat, Chandan, who essayed the role of Vikas, assistant of the Panchayat Secretary, discussed the experiences of shooting for the comedy-drama and how he managed to get the part.
- How did things fall in place for Panchayat?
Like every struggler, I used to knock many casting agencies' doors for a suitable role. There was a friend of mine who belonged to their team. He was noticing me for many days and asked me to come inside. He introduced me to the Panchayat’s casting team and asked if there is a suitable role for me. I auditioned for an electrician’s role and came back home. One fine day, I was at Raghubir sir’s house. I told him that I have auditioned for a role in Panchayat. He was humble enough to call the casting team and instructed them to look into my audition and they thought of assigning me the role of Vikas instead of electrician. The team send me the script and I was ready to put my best foot forward. Just after a day of my audition, I was called for a meeting and offered the role. Interestingly, the electrician’s role was played by the director Deepak Mishra.
- Can you please share your work experience for Panchayat?
I am always keen to learn new things. Before starting a new project, I consider myself oblivion and try to learn as much as I can. When I reached the Panchayat set, I noticed that everybody is putting their heart and soul into it. I used to observe their behaviour, nature, communication skills, which was really helpful. More than being my co-stars, they were great teachers.
- Any similarity between Vikas and Chandan?
There's a huge difference between Vikas and Chandan. Vikas is just a character for me which I developed with each passing shot. We are disparate characters.
- How did you prepare for the part?
The script seems to be a holy book to me. I used to read my script thoroughly, I feel it is the key to success. Whenever the shoot used to get delayed, I used to spend time reading my script, which helped me to ace the character.
- What did you learn from your reel character?
Vikas is a cool-minded man, despite getting chided by the chief or the secretary, he used to tackle the situations very placidly. He never used to get detached, besides, he loves them more. I pray to God that I imbibe this quality from Vikas.
- Did you always dreamt to be an actor?
Being an actor was my childhood dream. I used to listen to the radio, watch different films, songs, drama, etc. Whenever there used to be a power cut in our village, I used to charge the batteries to play movies using VCR and black and white television.
- What advice will you give to aspiring actors?
There are thousands who dream to achieve stardom. It’s important for them to introspect themselves, whether they are determined to choose acting as their sole career. Having a handsome look or gymming around to acquire a hulky figure, won’t help in this field.
- Being a resident of Bihar, how can Roy your surname?
As I have stated earlier that I am an avid film lover, I love Bimal Roy’s film from the core. Thus, inspired by his surname I decided to add Roy to my name.
- Panchayat sequel in the offing?
Yes, the preparations have begun. The script will get ready post-lockdown as decided by the team.