New Delhi: The Railways on Friday conducted a detailed review meeting on the safety of train operations in the South Central Railway zone.
Arun Kumar Jain, General Manager, SC Railway reviewed the safety of train operations over the zone and advised the officials to conduct surprise checks on track maintenance and counsel the staff about the safety procedures, officials said.
Jain also advised the officials to strictly monitor the punctuality of the trains and instructed them to ensure compliance with all safety guidelines such as proper lighting, and signboards, at construction sites across the zone.
The railway officers discussed the safety precautions to be followed at all the crossings and points on tracks over the zone and instructed the officials to conduct safety drives by involving all the safety-related staff, officials added.
Jain instructed them to take precautions while shunting to avoid minor incidents at yards. Officials were briefed on the availability of safety items like smoke detectors in AC coaches, fire extinguishers and train approach warning equipment to track maintainers and S&T equipment. He instructed officials to have proactive action plans to keep sufficient stocks of all safety-related/essential equipment to overcome exigency situations, they added.
A. Sridhar, Chief Public Relations Office, South Central Railways said during the meeting a booklet on Pioneering Progress - Innovations was released. The booklet highlights innovations made and implemented by various departments and divisions of the zone.
These innovations have helped to streamline operations, enhance efficiency and set new standards of performance over the zone, he stated. The booklet will provide detailed information on the utilisation of the innovations to be implemented in day-to-day working on Indian Railways and South Central Railway, he added.