Mumbai: Actor Deepika Padukone recently narrated how she was once sewing Ranveer's pants while people were dancing around her. She also revealed that she steals money from his pockets like any other wife.
In an interview with media, she said, "We were at a music festival in Barcelona. Ranveer was doing a weird dance step while in a pair of loose pants. Suddenly, I heard an unusual sound; his pant had ripped. I was sewing his pants while people danced around me." Knowing Ranveer's bursts of energy, we are not at all surprised by this.
Hilariously, Deepika admitted to stealing from Ranveer's purse. "I sometimes take money from Ranveer's purse, like any other housewife," she said.
The power couple will be sharing screen space in 83. Helmed by Kabir Khan, the film is about India's World Cup win in 1983 under the captainship of Kapil Dev. Ranveer will feature the role of Kapil and Deepika, his wife Romi Dev. 83 is scheduled to hit theatres on April 10.
Meanwhile, Deepika has a big release coming up soon. Chhapaak, directed by Meghna Gulzar, is an inspiring story on an acid attack survivor. Vikrant Massey will be starring opposite Deepika in the film, which releases on January 10.
READ |Deepika doesn't see Chhapaak as a risky film
Asked if she saw Chhapaak in which she plays an acid attack survivor, as a risky film as she looks different, Deepika told IANS, "No, it is not something that ever crossed my mind... my appearance, the way I am going to look. In fact, that's exactly what we want to challenge through this film. That we all have very set ideas, notions of what beauty is and we really want to challenge that and broaden that perspective."
"I never really thought about what people are going to think or say because I was going to look different from the way people have seen me on screen before," she said.