Kolkata: After the recent verdict by the Supreme Court on Ayodhya, veteran actor Rakhi Gulzar said that from now onwards Ram and Raheem will stay together. "Finally, the decision has been pronounced. I can't elaborate on this matter. I can just say that now Ram and Raheem will stay together," she said.
Further, the veteran actor spoke about her getting featured in her daughter Meghna Gulzar's film. Rakhi said that she doesn't want to be a burden on her as her personnel character doesn't match Meghna's criteria.
In an interview, when asked whether she is interested to be featured in her daughter's film, she said, "She became the person she wanted to be. And I allowed her to do so. I didn't make her a film actress. To be a film actress is not just a custom. Secondly, the films she is making are serious kind of films. Why should I be a burden to her when my character does not match the criteria as she is my daughter? Isn't it claustrophobic to her?"
READ |Here's what Rakhi Gulzar thinks on working in daughter's film
Earlier, she released a booklet in the presence of West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan, BCCI President Sourav Ganguly, eminent Film director Gautam Ghosh during the inauguration of 25th Kolkata International Film Festival at Netaji Indoor Stadium in Kolkata.