Mumbai: Ganesh Acharya has filed a counter non-cognisable against the 33-year-old assistant choreographer who had accused him of forcing her to watch adult videos, expelling her membership from Television Choreographers Association (IFTCA), depriving her of work and demanding commission.
In an interview with the leading newspaper, she said, "I started working as a coordinator for dancers in November 2019. However, because of certain issues in the past, Ganesh Acharya, who is the general secretary of IFTCA, used his position to expel me from the association and also directed other members to stop working with me because I refused to give him a commission."
"I am sitting at home unemployed for two months. That’s when I approached Sarojji (Khan) who assured me that they would look into the matter at the Special General Meeting (SGM) which was held on Sunday. While I was sitting in the corridor waiting to present my side of the story, Ganesh came out and started screaming. He said, ‘Yeh kya kar rahi hai yahaan par? Isko thappad aur laat maar kar baahar nikaalo’. Two women assaulted me on his instructions," the 33-year-old added.
The assistant choreographer further stated, "In my complaint to NCW, I have also stated that Ganesh, who would often be found watching adult videos every time I visited his office, forced me to watch them, too. I reprimanded him and told him that if he ever repeated it or called me, I would file a complaint against him with the association and the police."
When asked to Ganesh, he said, "She was part of a group of dancers I worked within 2007. Apart from that, I don’t know this girl at all. The accusations of assault in my presence and on my instructions are false, as I had left for a shoot before the altercation between her and the two others took place."
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When asked about the accusations of expelling the 33-year-old choreographer because she didn't pay her commission, he said, "The decision to expel a member is taken after everyone’s consent and she was expelled owing to her crude and unflattering remarks on dance masters. I am against the practice of commission and don’t work with coordinators, so why will I demand commission from her? Disgruntled by the termination of her membership, she sent letters and notices to IFTCA and its members making false and frivolous allegations of not letting her work and harassing her. However, in these alleged complain s, there was no mention of her latest cooked-up story of porn videos being shown to her. Her accusations are false and baseless."
Ganesh's lawyer Ravi Suryawanshi said, "We have given a written complaint to the Oshiwara Police on January 31 against her for defamation and filed an NC for the same. We have also lodged a complaint at Amboli police station against her for filing a false complaint. Ganesh Acharya will soon be initiating legal proceedings against her and her accomplices."