Kolkata: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) arrested West Bengal Industry Minister Partha Chatterjee's close associate Arpita Mukherjee in connection with the SSC recruitment scam case on Saturday. Documents belonging to State Higher Education Department were recovered from the latter's house.
According to sources, several documents of SSC (School Service Commission) have been confiscated by the investigators. According to ED sources, foreign currency was also found in her house. The development comes shortly after the central agency detained Mukherjee on Saturday post discovery of Rs 20 crore in cash, as well as gold jewelry worth Rs 79 lakh, from her South Kolkata residence.
Also read: SSC recruitment scam: Who is Arpita Mukherjee?
Meanwhile, Chatterjee was presented before Bankshall court in the city, after his arrest following a marathon 27-hour interrogation at his residence. Mukherjee's involvement in the case was revealed on Friday during the probe at the former education minister's house, after the agency discovered several documents there.