Amethi: Amid furore over Union Minister Smriti Irani regarding her daughter's alleged illegally obtained bar license in Goa, posters emerged in Uttar Pradesh's Amethi on Sunday against the former, with remarks terming her 'Bar wala' (bar owner). Printed on a background of red, the poster also features a news article describing the issue.
The words 'Smriti Irani murdabad' (death to Smriti Irani) are also seen at either top corners of the poster. Meanwhile, the statement "Smriti's daughter was running a bar in Goa by acquiring a fake license" is also seen in the centre of the poster. Claiming to represent the 'people of Amethi', it says, "Amethi does not want such as terrible MP. Smriti Irani tender resignation".
Also read: Congress workers protest outside Goa restaurant, slam Minister Smriti Irani