Moradabad: An alleged mining mafia member from Uttar Pradesh, who escaped during an encounter with police on Wednesday in which a BJP leader's wife was killed, was nabbed at a checkpoint in Moradabad of Uttar Pradesh, an official said on Saturday. The accused Zafar, who carried a Rs 1 lakh bounty on his head was shot in the leg by cops at a checkpoint in the Pakhwada police station area.
The accused tried to escape, but was shot in the leg. Zafar was taken to the hospital for treatment, an official said. Pertinently, Zafar had managed to escape during an encounter at Bharatpur in Uttarakhand on Wednesday evening. The Uttar Pradesh police from the Thakurdwara station in Moradabad district raided the farmhouse of Gurtaj Singh Bhullar, the block pramukh of Bharatpur, that falls under the Kunda police station upon information that Zafar was taking shelter there.
Also Read: UP-Uttarakhand Police file cross FIRs in shootout case
Zafar was wanted in connection with illegal confinement and misbehaviour with Thakurdwara SDM Parmanand Singh and Mining Inspector Ashok Kumar on September 13. During the encounter, Bhullars' wife was killed in cross-fire while two cops were among five others injured. Moradabad ADG Zone Rajkumar said that the person, who gave shelter to Zafar, would also be considered guilty.