Agra: Uttar Pradesh police said two sisters who were part of the Brahma Kumari Ashram in Jagner, have reportedly died by suicide. The deceased were identified as Shikha, (34), and her sisters Ekta, (37), both hailing from Jagner, on Friday night.
According to the family, they received a text from the sister duo on WhatsApp about taking a drastic step, at 11.18 pm on Friday night.
A similar message has been shared in the WhatsApp group, a family member said.
The sisters had said they were upset about certain things happening in the Ashram.
"We rushed to the Ashram only to find both of them dead there," Sonu Singhal, brother of the deceased said.
DCP Sonam Kumar and ACP Mahesh Kumar carried out spot inquiries, while the bodies were removed to a government hospital for post-mortem examinations.
"Everything appeared normal, when I met my sisters at the Ashram two days ago. I am still not able to understand they did this," Singhal was quoted as saying by the police.
Mahesh Kumar said, the sisters have written two suicide notes. "They have levelled allegations against three people and a woman living and working in the ashram. There are some allegations the sisters have made over handling money."
A senior police official said the investigations are underway to establish the actual cause of death. "The duo has claimed of suicide abetments by a quartet. We will have to check that," the official said.
Shikha, in her letter, has sought action against the four — she had named — driving her to take the drastic step, a source said.
Ekta has penned a letter to Uttar Pradesh Chief Minsiter Yogi Adityanath, seeking stringent punishment to the accused akin to what was served to Asaram Bapu aka Asumal Sirumalani Harpalani, the source added.
Both Shikha and Ekta joined the sect of Brahma Kumaris about a decade ago and were initiated into the Ashram eight years ago.
Suicide is not a solution
If you are having suicidal thoughts, or are worried about a friend or need emotional support, someone is always there to listen. Call Sneha Foundation - 04424640050 (available 24x7) or iCall, the Tata Institute of Social Sciences' helpline - 9152987821, which is available Monday to Saturday from 8 am to 10 pm.