Sitapur: In a bizarre incident, a mother of a 16-year-old girl fell at the feet of District Magistrate on Friday after the hospital authority failed to arrange blood for her ailing daughter.
Gita Devi, a resident of Persehra Khurd here, shifted her daughter Priya Kumari at the district hospital on Thursday. The doctor has asked the mother to arrange blood for her daughter as the patient is critically ill.
However, Devi failed to arrange the blood donor due to nationwide lockdown. When the District Magistrate Akhilesh Tiwari visited the hospital along with the Commissioner of Police, the mother of the ailing child fell at the feet of the DM and urged him to arrange blood for her daughter.
Taking the cognizance of the matter, DM ordered to arrange blood for the child as soon as possible.
Talking to ETV Bharat, Gita Devi said, "I have admitted my daughter on Thursday. The doctor has advised me to arrange blood for her but I failed amid lockdown. With the efforts of the DM saheb, my daughter gets three units of blood from the blood bank."
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