Rae Bareli: Police on Wednesday claimed to have busted a fake currency racket by arresting two youths, who printed the fake currency after being inspired by YouTube videos in Raebareli district of Uttar Pradesh, officials said. Police have recovered fake notes worth Rs 99.5 thousand from both of them. Lalganj CO Mahipal Pathak said that the duo was arrested following credible inputs that fake notes were being circulated by miscreants during a fair being organized outside the Balheshwar Shiva temple located in Aihar village of Lalganj area of the district.
Pathak said that the accused duo were planning to use the fake currency at the fair to buy the valuables from the vendors as hundreds of devotees had arrived to have darshan during the fair. Following the inputs, a team of police raided the fair and arrested the accused duo redhanded, the police officer said.
Also read: Uttarakhand: Fake notes worth Rs 22 lakh seized, two gangsters held
Police also recovered fake notes worth Rs 99,500 from them, added the official. A printer and a scanner have been recovered from the accused. The arrested youths have been identified as Piyush Verma and Vishal. According to the police, both are friends and were inpired to print the fake currency on YouTube.
Police said that the accused learned to make fake notes from YouTube videos and both started printing notes at home with the help of a printer and scanner. Lalganj CO Mahipal Pathak said that both the accused used to make purchases by giving fake notes to the retail shopkeepers. both. Further investigation into the matter is going on.