New Delhi: Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra Monday attacked the Yogi Adityanath government in Uttar Pradesh over the issue of rising crime, alleging “jungle raj' was growing in the state, but no action was being taken apart from some transfers. The Congress general secretary has been attacking the Uttar Pradesh government over law and order and has slammed the state dispensation over the Vikas Dubey incident as well as the killing of Ghaziabad-based journalist Vikram Joshi, who was shot in the head by some assailants.
'Has the UP chief stopped watching the news? Do these reports not go before the people sitting in the Home Department? New records of gunda raj are being set in UP. There has been a kidnapping incident in the CM's hometown and a massacre in Kasganj,' she tweeted, tagging news reports on the two incidents of crime.
Read: Priyanka Gandhi urges Yogi to guarantee wheat procurement from farmers
But, apart from a few transfers for the sake of formality, nothing else happens, she said. 'Jungle raj is growing,' Priyanka Gandhi added.