Mau: Spectacles of communal harmony were in display in the Shahi Katra Masjid grounds in Uttar Pradesh's Mau district on Friday, as individuals from both Hindu and Muslim communities thronged the area, celebrating the festival largely known as 'Bharat Milap'. Explained by locals, the tradition in the gathering appears to be the heavenly abode Lord Ram touching the mosque thrice before landing.
The sound of Azan (or Adhan-the call for prayer of Muslims) and Jai Shri Ram were renting the air simultaneously with religious harmony. With Mau considered to be one of Uttar Pradesh's sensitive districts, the festival on Friday night saw attendance from several officials, including District Magistrate and the Superintendent of Police. Despite heavy security arrangements, however, no untoward incident took place even as the carnival-esque atmosphere went on throughout the night.