Hyderabad: The probe into the illegal phone-tapping case has taken a new turn with Hyderabad Police intensifying efforts to track down absconding accused Prabhakar Rao, former OSD of the Telangana Special Intelligence Branch (SIB) and Sravan Rao, a TV channel executive.
In the latest move, police have approached the court to declare the duo as proclaimed offenders, a legal step that could lead to the seizure of their assets and increase international action against them.
The accused had fled abroad soon after the case was registered at the Panjagutta police station on March 10, 2024. Since then, they have avoided trial, prompting investigators to explore alternative legal measures to bring them back.
Authorities had earlier sought Red Corner Notices (RCN), facilitating their extradition, but the accused have allegedly been trying to block the process. It is believed that they have also urged the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to prevent cancellation of their passports, further complicating efforts to detain them.
Why Declaring Proclaimed Offenders Matters?
If the court grants permission to label Prabhakar Rao and Sravan Rao as proclaimed offenders, several legal consequences will follow:
- Public Notification: The court’s order will be pasted in public places near the accused’s residences and even in newspapers.
- 30-Day Ultimatum: The accused will be given 30 days to surrender before the court.
- Citizen Arrests Allowed: Any ordinary citizen will have the legal right to apprehend them and hand them over to the police.
- Property Seizure Under Section 85 BNSS: If they fail to appear within the deadline, their movable and immovable assets could be confiscated by the authorities.
The police emphasised that questioning Prabhakar Rao and Sravan Rao is crucial for uncovering the full extent of the scandal, especially regarding the possible involvement of political leaders in the illegal surveillance network.
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