Shahjahanpur (UP): A local court in Shahjahanpur on Saturday allowed the Special Investigation Team (SIT) of the UP police to remand former Union minister Chinmayanand as well as the LLM student, who accused him of rape and harassment, and her three friends and to take all the five to Lucknow for a voice test.
The SIT had applied for their remand in the court of the Chief Judicial Magistrate (CJM) on Friday and the court, after hearing the arguments of both sides, had reserved the order for Saturday.
Speaking to media, Advocate Om Singh said that the court has allowed the SIT to take Chinmayanand, the girl and her three friends to remand
"The probe team would take all of them to Lucknow to get their voice samples verified at the Legal Science Laboratory in the state capital," said Singh.
On Friday, the lawyers of Chinmayanand, the woman and her three friends had opposed the SIT plea seeking remand of their respective clients.
It is to be noted that Chinmayanand was arrested on September 20 and the CJM court had initially remanded him to 14-day judicial custody and he was sent to the district jail. Later on October 3, the court extended the remand of Chinmayanand till October 16.
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