Mathura: The police were on their toes after receiving a call over the phone about planting a bomb at a temple in Uttar Pradesh's Vrindavan on Sunday. The caller whose identity was unknown dialled 112 at the Police Control Room stating that someone planted a bomb inside temple premises in the city. A team of bomb disposal and dog squad launched a thorough check on the temple precincts. Later, they found it to be a hoax call
An unknown person dialled the Police Control Room (PCR) informing police about the presence of explosive material in the famous Prem temple at Vrindavan. On receiving the information, the police swung into action. The bomb disposal squad and dog squad were involved in thoroughly checking the temple. No bombs were found during the search operation. As a precautionary measure, search operations were conducted in other temple premises in Vrindavan.
Vrindavan city SP Martand Prakash Singh said, "Someone dialled 112 and informed police about the presence of an explosive substance on the premises of Prem temple in the city. Immediately, the bomb disposal and dog squads were sent to the spot. The search operations were carried out inside the temple. No bombs were found. It was a hoax call. The caller's cell phone was found switched off. We are trying to trace the caller. He will be identified and arrested soon. Searchers were done in other temples of the city as a precautionary measure." The holy city of Vrindavan is situated in Uttar Pradesh. It is the birthplace of Lord Krishna. The city has so many temples dedicated to Lord Krishna.
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