Ghaziabad: A man has robbed of Rs 44 lakhs by motorcycle-borne miscreants in the Nandgram police station area in Ghaziabad on Monday night, police said. According to the police, bike-borne miscreants looted Rs 44 lakh from a scrap dealer near Bhatta Road No.5 in Raj Nagar Extension of Uttar Pradesh's Ghaziabad district on Monday at around 8 pm. The information about the robbery was given to the police late in the night and after investigating the matter, the police registered a case on Tuesday morning.
Also read: Miscreants loot Rs 81 lakhs from a businessman in Rajasthan's Jodhpur
"Police teams have been formed to solve the case at the earliest and the investigation is underway. The accused will be arrested soon," said DCP Nipun Aggarwal.